

Jean Rodrigo Cioffi (Of Counsel)

Attorney Cioffi is licensed to practice in Brazil and is in the process of obtaining status to practice in Florida as a Foreign Legal Consultant.  Mr. Cioffi’s legal and business education is extensive.  His bachelor’s degree is from FMU University.  He holds an LLM in Contract law from IBMEC University.  Further, he earned an advanced graduate degree in Tax Law from FGV University and an MBA in international trade from FIA/USP.

Mr. Cioffi’s practice focuses on mergers and acquisitions, arbitration, tax, contracts, business reorganization/restructuring, asset protection, intellectual property.

He is a frequent lecturer and guest speaker at seminars and events such as Sao Paulo Magistrate’s Association, Brazilian Copyright Association, Institute for International Research, and International Business Communication.

Advogado graduado nas Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas – FMU, Mestre LLM em Direito Contratual IBMEC-INSPER/SP, especialista em Direito Tributário FGV/SP e MBA em Comércio Internacional FIA/USP, com experiência em operações de M&A, Arbitragem, Recuperação Judicial, Proteção Patrimonial, Gestão de Risco, Planejamento Tributário e Propriedade Intelectual. Palestrante em diversos Seminários e Eventos.