
Category Archives: disputas de inmueble

Negocios: Costos del litigio (tribunal estatal)

Es esencialmente imposible decirle a un cliente cuánto terminará costando una demanda. Sin embargo, eso no significa que no puedas tener al menos alguna idea de qué esperar. Ese es el propósito de este artículo.

BUSINESS DISPUTES: Straight Talk about Costs of Litigation (Video)

Thinking about suing someone? Or, had a bad experience in a lawsuit? Don’t miss this uncommonly frank discussion of the good, bad and ugly sides of litigation.

REAL ESTATE: Commercial LeaseDisputes

The purpose of this article is to make both landlords and tenants aware of the common considerations after default on a commercial lease. 

Capital Gains for QOZF

Real Estate: Florida Moratorium on Foreclosures & Evictions

The Governor’s latest Executive Order 20-180, extending the Florida moratorium on foreclosures and evictions, contains some carve-outs borrowers, tenants, lenders and landlords alike need to know about.

Foreclosure Lawyer

Harrington Recognized by Thompson Reuter as Expert in Foreclosure Law

Litigation & Mitigation, by Jeff Harrington, published by Thompson Reuter


Taxation of Canceled Debt: Foreclosure Backlash

So, you’re having trouble keeping your head above water with the mortgage payments on your home. You start to slip behind and find that your home is now being foreclosed. What’s next? You can now expect a Form 1099-C from your bank or lender stating that they are forgiving a portion of your debt that remains unpaid. Great news, right? READ FULL POST

PALM BEACH POST: HLA Forces Lender to Modify Homeloan

Harrington law persuades judge to force lender to modify loan.