

It goes without saying that a multilingual firm like ours—whose attorneys who have lived/worked/studied in Spain, France, China, Argentina, and Japan—has a strong international focus. We cater to foreign investors and foreign companies with US interests as well as US companies with international interests.

It goes without saying that a multilingual firm like ours—whose attorneys who have lived/worked/studied in Spain, France, China, Argentina, and Japan—has a strong international focus. We cater to foreign investors and foreign companies with US interests as well as US companies with international interests.

International Transactions

The amount of money and assets trading hands in transactions between US and foreign parties is staggering.  Publications put out by the US Department of Commerceand other agencies show the sheer volume of international business and the financial benefits to availing oneself of the world market. Consider the following:   The US dollar continues to be weak against the Euro

International Disputes

  International business and real estate are fascinating areas offering great opportunities for financial reward.  That said, it is a jungle out there.     Entrepreneurs, investors and realtors are increasingly keen on tapping into the foreign markets—as they should be.  A willingness to deal with different languages and customs opens up many interesting new prospects . . . and

Foreign Investment

There is no better time for investment than now, and the window of opportunity seems to be closing. Meet HLA’s team of experienced, multilingual professionals now while the time is still right.



HLA provides counsel to clients seeking efficient offshore asset protection strategies for their business or personal objectives, and we draw upon our network of international partners to set up and manage international structures.