
West Palm Beach Property Dispute Lawyer

West Palm Beach Real Estate Law Firm

The property dispute lawyers in West Palm Beach, Florida at Harrington Legal Alliance help clients facing a wide range of property dispute issues. Property disputes are relatively common issues that can arise during the sale or purchase of property, or after a sale or purchase. What are some common property disputes? Common property disputes include:

  • Boundary or Property Line Disputes
  • Real Estate Fraud
  • HOA-related Disputes
  • Zoning Issues
  • Specific Performance
  • Contract Disputes

The West Palm Beach, Florida property dispute lawyers at Harrington Legal Alliance can assist you if you find yourself facing any of these property dispute issues. We can work with you and the other party to negotiate an agreement. We can also work with you to fight or defend your case in court. The best way to prevent property disputes is before they arise, through sound property contracts, clear agreements, and negotiation. The West Palm Beach, Florida property lawyers at Harrington Legal Alliance work with clients to help address property disputes before they arise, negotiate issues when they arise, and litigate if needed. Call  (561) 253-6690 for a FREE consultation.

If you are facing a property dispute, contact the West Palm Beach, Florida property dispute lawyers at Harrington Legal Alliance today. We can help with negotiation or litigation. You don’t have to face your property dispute on your own.

Boundary and Property Line Disputes in West Palm Beach, Florida

Boundary and property line disputes can occur when neighbors cannot agree about where one person’s property begins and another person’s property ends. Sometimes these issues can arise when a property owner builds a fence or when a property owner makes improvements on a property that another property owner believes encroaches on their property line. Sometimes it can happen when one neighbor’s garden or activities pass onto another neighbor’s property line. If you are in the midst of a property dispute, you may need to conduct a thorough title search, hire a surveyor, or review deeds or easements. Property and boundary disputes can sometimes get complicated, especially when property transfers from one owner to another. What one property owner may consider acceptable encroachment may not be considered acceptable to a new owner. A property dispute lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida at Harrington Legal Alliance can help you with your property dispute. We can review the situation, perform title searches, get surveyor’s reports, and more. We can begin negotiations between neighbors to potentially resolve the issue without the need for litigation but can also take your case to court if needed. Contact the West Palm Beach, Florida property dispute lawyers at Harrington Legal Alliance today.

HOA-Related Property Disputes in West Palm Beach, Florida 

HOA-related property disputes can arise when homeowners are not sure who is responsible for what when it comes to property maintenance or repair in a condo. For example, condominiums may have shared pipes or electrical wires. When these resources are shared, who is responsible for the repair of pipes or wires if they break? A property dispute lawyer can review your HOA governing documents and legal documents to determine responsibility in these cases.

Sometimes neighbors may also have issues with one another. What is a condo owner to do if he or she encounters obnoxious smells, loud pets, noisy children, or other nuisances? A property dispute lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida who understands HOA governing documents law, and negotiation may be able to help. Harrington Legal Alliance works with individuals facing a wide range of property disputes.

Specific Performance and Contract Property Disputes in West Palm Beach, Florida 

Contract disputes and specific performance disputes can lead to property disputes in West Palm Beach, Florida. Contract disputes arise when one party fails to honor their side of a contract. This can occur in a landlord-tenant agreement where a tenant fails to pay rent and fees on time, or where a landlord fails to honor their end of the bargain by making repairs in a timely manner. With real estate contract disputes, usually, the remedy is payment or compensation for lost income or damages.

Contract disputes can arise out of fraud or misrepresentation. If a seller fails to disclose key issues with the property or fails to honor their side of a contract, you could potentially sue for damages or may need to seek justice. The property dispute lawyers in West Palm Beach, Florida at Harrington Legal Alliance may be able to assist you in these situations.

Specific performance disputes can arise when a person doesn’t perform an action outlined in a contract, and the damages cannot be easily valued. This can occur when a person agrees to purchase property but then backs out of a contract, resulting in lost time, lost money, and potentially lost property value. In this kind of case, the court could potentially require the party who committed the harm to honor their promise or fulfill their obligation.

If you find yourself in a real estate contract dispute, you may want to reach out to the West Palm Beach, Florida property dispute lawyers at Harrington Legal Alliance. We may be able to help. We can review the situation and chart the best path forward.

Zoning Issues and Property Disputes in West Palm Beach, Florida 

Zoning laws govern what can be done with a specific property and how a specific property can be used. Zoning laws can govern property renovations and improvements, occupancy limits, and commercial property uses. If you are planning to use a property for a specific purpose, the best way to avoid zoning disputes is to consult relevant laws before you make improvements, purchase a property, or use a property for a specific purpose. If you do encounter zoning issues or property disputes, a property dispute lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida at Harrington Legal Alliance can help. Our attorneys can review relevant zoning laws and fight your case either inside or outside court.

Contact a Real Estate Property Lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida Today 

A real estate property lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida can help you navigate a wide variety of property disputes and issues. If you are facing a property dispute, you may want to speak to our property dispute lawyers today. We can review the details of your dispute, negotiate with multiple parties, and fight your case in court if needed. Most costly litigation can be avoided with sound contracts, good negotiation, and good communication. That’s why the real estate property lawyers in West Palm Beach, Florida at Harrington Legal Alliance work closely with clients from sale to closing. We anticipate issues before they arise and work closely with all parties to craft clear contracts and help our clients navigate the closing process. If property disputes do arise, Harrington Legal Alliance is here to help. We can negotiate with all parties to resolve the issue and fight for the rights of our clients.

If you are thinking of buying or selling property or have a property dispute issue, consider reaching out to the West Palm Beach, Florida real estate property attorneys at Harrington Legal Alliance today. We understand real estate law and can help you every step of the way. You are not alone.