
West Palm Beach Real Estate Lawyer

West Palm Beach Real Estate Law Firm


Call 561-253-6690 today for a FREE consultation. The real estate lawyers in West Palm Beach, Florida at Harrington Legal Alliance can help you successfully buy or sell real property. Whether you are selling a personal home, buying your first home, or buying or selling commercial property, real estate transactions are major purchases and investments and involve the preparation and review of many different legal documents. Whether you need assistance with a title search, need help with the real estate closing process, need legal guidance on a real estate investment purchase, or need a real estate transactions lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida, Harrington Legal Alliance can help. If you plan to purchase a property for commercial uses, the West Palm Beach, Florida real estate lawyers at Harrington Legal Alliance can also make sure that the zoning and property itself are clear for your intended use

Whether you are a business or a family, the purchase of real estate will likely be one of the biggest investments you will make. If you are selling real estate, this will likely be one of the major deals of your life. A real estate lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida at Harrington Legal Alliance can help you with the sale or purchase of property. Contact our real estate law firm in West Palm Beach, Florida today.

Real Estate Closing Lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida

Harrington Legal Alliance is a West Palm Beach, Florida real estate closing law firm. Buying or selling real estate can involve many steps and a great deal of paperwork. The closing stage of a real estate deal is usually facilitated by a real estate lawyer. Because the closing of a real estate deal can involve a great deal of money and paperwork, you’ll want to work with a West Palm Beach, Florida real estate closing law firm like the real estate attorneys at Harrington Legal Alliance, who can make sure all details are considered and all steps are followed.

What are some steps that go into a real estate closing? While real estate deals might differ depending on your unique circumstances, most real estate deals will include specific steps during the closing process. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • An escrow account is basically overseen by a trustee or a neutral party that holds on to the title and all money in the transaction until everything is accounted for and the sale is finalized. The company or lawyer responsible for overseeing the escrow account can ensure that money is transferred to the seller and the title is transferred to the buyer at the right time. Think about it, in a big home sale, who gives what first in the exchange of goods? Does the seller give the title to the buyer before the buyer gives the seller the money or the other way around? The escrow account eliminates the need for these questions.
  • During the closing process, the buyer and seller may go back and forth on the sale price and negotiate closing costs. A real estate closing lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida can assist you with this process and help you better understand what is customary in your situation.
  • Title Search. The proof that you have purchased a property is the title, and your purchase is only as good as the title. A title search ensures that the title is clean, that is, that there are no liens on the property, that the person who is selling the property is authorized to sell, and that there are no other owners or claims on the property. A real estate lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida can review the property records to see whether there are any issues with the property or the title. In order to ensure that you are covered no matter what, you might be encouraged to purchase title insurance. This means that if an issue with the title comes up later, you are financially covered.
  • Home Inspection. Many real estate transactions have home inspection clauses. Before the sale is finalized, the buyer has the right to perform a formal home inspection. If issues arise during the inspection, the buyer then has the ability to negotiate with the seller to make repairs or negotiate the price of the sale. A home inspection can be an incredibly important aspect of any real estate sale. Major issues with a home’s electrical system, plumbing, roof, or foundation can significantly lower the value of your property. The home inspection gives you the opportunity to make sure there aren’t major issues that could lower the value of the property and also to give you an opportunity to negotiate the sale price should these issues arise. Along with the home inspection, many buyers may also conduct a pest inspection to make sure there aren’t other issues with the home like termites or an infestation.
  • Final Walk-Through. Once all the contingencies have been addressed, the buyer typically gets one more chance to do a final walk-through. This allows you to make sure there haven’t been any other major changes or issues.

These steps don’t include other steps your bank might include in the mortgage financing process, including securing financing and removing contingencies if securing financing for the sale was one of your contingencies. Your lender may also include other requirements that your real estate lawyer can also assist you with. Many home buyers hire a real estate closing lawyer to assist them with the various steps of the process. The real estate closing lawyers in West Palm Beach, Florida at Harrington Legal Alliance can help you every step of the way through this process. We can ensure that all the requirements are met and that the closing process goes as smoothly as possible.

Real Estate Investment Lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida 

A real estate investment lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida can assist you with your investment real estate purchase. If you want to purchase real estate for investment purposes, a real estate investment lawyer can help you with various aspects of your purchase. Investment properties may have additional considerations, including relevant zoning laws, laws regarding rental units, and other legal concerns. Before you make a significant investment in real estate, you may want to speak to a real estate investment lawyer first. The real estate investment lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida at Harrington Legal Alliance can help you with the closing process and assist you with any other concerns you might have.

Real Estate Investment: Additional Legal Considerations

If you are planning on investing in real estate, you may also need to take additional legal considerations into account. For example, if you plan to use your real estate investment as a rental property, you’ll need to follow landlord-tenant law. Understanding landlord-tenant law and applying it to rental contracts and how you handle issues with potential renters can involve many moving parts. If you plan to be a landlord, you’ll also need to draft rental agreements and understand your rights and responsibilities as a landlord. If you plan to subdivide a home, you’ll also need to consider zoning laws. If you plan to make improvements to the property before you rent it out, you’ll also need to consult zoning laws or HOA rules (if you are purchasing a condo as a real estate investment), before making any improvements. Landlord-tenant law also includes the Fair Housing Act and anti-discrimination laws that you’ll want to follow to protect your rights and your tenant’s rights. If you have income, you’ll also need to consider tax and business implications. Renting a property also comes with other costs, including how you’ll collect rent, how you’ll handle repairs, and how you’ll handle contact between you and your tenants. A real estate lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida at Harrington Legal Alliance can assist you with legal issues that can arise with rental real estate investment properties.

If you plan to invest in commercial real estate, you’ll also need to consider the legal implications of this kind of real estate purchase. You’ll need to consider zoning laws, land use laws, and environmental laws when purchasing commercial real estate, especially if you want to put your property to a specific type of use. If you plan to lease out commercial property, you may need lease contracts and legal counsel to assist you with drawing out the lease agreement to prevent the risk of contractual disputes in the future. Many legal issues can arise with commercial property depending on how you plan to use the property or whether you plan to lease the property out. A real estate investment lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida at Harrington Legal Alliance can assist you with the process of purchasing real estate investment properties and even help you address potential issues that can arise as you transition to gaining income from your real estate properties. Contact our real estate investment lawyers in West Palm Beach, Florida today to learn more.

Real Estate Transactions Lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida

The real estate transactions lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida can assist you with various aspects of your real estate deal. For most people, the sale or purchase of real estate will be the largest purchase they will ever make. A real estate transactions lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida can stand by your side and help the process move along more smoothly. Whether you are a real estate investor looking for a real estate lawyer to assist you with title searches and other legal aspects of commercial property or are buying or selling your first home, the real estate transactions lawyers in West Palm Beach, Florida at Harrington Legal Alliance can help.

The process of buying or selling real estate can involve many contracts and moving parts. A real estate lawyer by your side to help interpret contracts, review the details of your sale, perform a title search, and assist with real estate closing can make a major difference. When it comes to buying or selling real estate, a real estate transactions lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida at Harrington Legal Alliance can give you the peace of mind you need and deserve. Our attorneys are here to help you every step of the way. You don’t have to navigate the real estate transaction process alone. 

Contact a Real Estate Lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida Today 

A real estate attorney in West Palm Beach, Florida can help you every step through the real estate transaction process. Buying or selling property in Florida can involve many steps and many moving parts. A real estate lawyer in West Palm Beach, Florida can help you every step of the way. Contact the Harrington Legal Alliance, a West Palm Beach, Florida real estate lawyer today to learn more.