
Category Archives: Taxation

BUSINESS: Where to Set Up your Company?

Just because you intend to do business primarily in one particular state does not mean that you necessarily have to set up your company in that state.  On the contrary, you can organize your company in any state (or even foreign jurisdiction) and then register that company to do business in the state where you do most of your business.  

Real Estate: FIRPTA

Investors that come to us early can structure their US holdings to avoid unnecessary complications, such as withholdings under the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA).  If you did not plan ahead, then this article is for you.

REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT: Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund

It is not too late to shelter your capital gains from last year.  The  Opportunity Zones Program allows investors to defer existing capital gains and entirely avoid federal taxes on capital gains (and 1231 gains) from qualifying investments.

Capital Gains for QOZF

REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT: Funds that Qualify for an Opportunity Zone

The Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund program offers some incredible incentives for all investors.  But, there are limitations to the kind of money that qualifies for the special tax treatment. 

Eligible Investors in QOFs

REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT: Who can Invest in an Opportunity Zone?

Opportunity Zones extend generous tax incentives to investors who place their qualified capital gains in Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds (QOZF).  But, is the program open to ALL investors?

Projects in a QF

REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT: Opportunity Zone Projects

There is no question the Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund program provides investors with amazing tax benefits.  But, where are these “Zones” and what kind of projects will you be investing in?

REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT: Opportunity Zone vs. 1031 Exchange

As more investors become aware of the Opportunity Zone program, there is a notable migration away from 1031 exchanges. This article compares the two programs side-by-side.

Way through

REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT: Overview of 1031 Exchange

Under Section 1031 of the tax code, you can sell your property and reinvest some or all of the proceeds in another property without paying taxes on the reinvested money. Here is how.

Real Estate Investment: Structuring the 1031 Exchange

This is the third and final part of our discussion regarding the use of a 1031 Exchange to defer tax on real estate investments. Used correctly, real estate investors might even defer tax indefinitely—or at least during their lifetime.

PUA Unemployment Benefits

Business Guide to Coronavirus Stimulus Package: Unemployment Benefits

The Families First paid leave obligations are in effect, so it is time for business owners to make some tough decisions. Understanding the unemployment benefits available under the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program is an important part of the analysis.